pseudozoid's blog

Hello, world

To new beginnings!

On Sickness and UNIX Shells

I was hit by a case of dengue and I've been down at the hospital for the past week. My time under sickness gave me a lot of time to reflect on myself and the decisions I've made in my life. When you're sick everything takes place in a vaccum and there's this brief, sort of special sense of time standing still outside your limitted perception. The only feeling that comes close to what I mean is skipping out on school while you were young for some lame reason and just sitting home doing nothing. There's a definite sense of missing out but there's also a weirdly endearing sense of peace.

I spent a lot of my time at the hospital watching youtube videos of old thinkpads being restored and arch linux installations being thrown around. One thing that still stays rooted in my mind is the ever looming prospect of making a UNIX shell of my own. That is the ultimate project in my mind right now that I need to get working on again. In my mind getting it done is the first step of breaking out of my long term rutt that I've seemed to have fallen into during this semester.